How to print an array of objects in Swift with example

Multiple ways to print an array of objects in swift code examples

  • Iterate array using for loop and print an object, each object overrides the description method
  • dump method

Sometimes, We have an array of objects and want to print the object values for debugging purposes.

For example, Let’s declare an object of a Student class

import Foundation
class Student {
    var marks: Int =  0
    var id: Int;
    init ( _ id: Int, _ marks: Int){
        self.marks = marks


Create an array of students with default values.

let students = [Student(11,40),Student(21,99),Student(10,89)]

Displays the objects using print functions shown below

[main.Student, main.Student, main.Student]

It is not useful for debugging to know what value objects contain at runtime.

There are multiple ways to print an array of objects.

Swift array of objects print values

  • using for loop

One of the ways, to print an object is by using for loop

Iterate each object using for loop and print the object.

import Foundation
class Student :CustomStringConvertible{
var marks: Int = 0
var id: Int;
init ( _ id: Int, _ marks: Int){
self.marks = marks
var description : String {
return "id :\(id) marks \(marks)"



let students = [Student(11,40),Student(21,99),Student(10,89)]
for the student in students {


id :11 marks 40
id :21 marks 99
id :10 marks 89

To print object properties, implement CustomStringConvertible and provide implements description property as described in print object in swift

or you can use print directly an array using print



[id :11 marks 40, id :21 marks 99, id :10 marks 89]
  • dump method

you can use the dump method directly as given below

3 elements
  ▿ id :11  marks 40 #0
    - marks: 40
    - id: 11
  ▿ id :21  marks 99 #1
    - marks: 99
    - id: 21
  ▿ id :10  marks 89 #2
    - marks: 89
    - id: 10