How to convert string to array in Solidity? Solidity by example?

This tutorial discusses how to convert a string of text into an array using a string separator.

In Solidity, a string is a valid value type that stores text content.

An array in Solidity is a reference type that contains a group of data types stored under a single named variable. Values are retrieved using an index starting from zero.

Solidity does not have an inbuilt function to convert a string to an array.

For example, consider a given input string that contains


The above string is parsed and delimited by a hyphen(-) Output returns an array


How to Convert string to array in solidity with separator

This example uses stringutils🔗 of this package in solidity code. The solidity-stringutils string library offers utility functions for string manipulation.

First, import the custom library into a contract using the using keyword.

Next, convert the original and delimiter strings to slices using the toslice() method. Create a new string array with the count method, which returns a string array of string[] memory. Finally, create an array type with the iterated string memory array and create an array of strings.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.4.1;
import "";

contract Contract {
    using strings for *;

    function smt()  public () {
        strings.slice memory stringSlice = "one-two-three-four".toSlice();
        strings.slice memory delimeterSlice = "-".toSlice();
        string[] memory strings = new string[](stringSlice.count(delimeterSlice));
        for (uint i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
           strings[i] = stringSlice.split(delim).toString();