How to reduce Image width and height in Nodejs| image-size npm library

In my previous tutorials, Discussed how to get image width and height in JavaScript

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss how to get Image size in the Nodejs application.

In Nodejs, We have different ways we can get image size using npm libraries and Inbuilt APIs

This tutorial talks about image-size npm library for example.

This library supports all images of different types - PNG, BMP, ICO, SVG, and JPEG

install image-size npm library

Let’s first create a node application called image dimension

First, create an image dimension directory

mkdir imagedimension
cd imagedimension

next run the npm init -y command to initialize the application in the current folder

npm init -y

This will create a package.json file in the application root directory

next, install the image-size library using the npm install command

npm i image-size --save
yarn add image-size

image-size dependency is added in package.json and installs dependency to node_modules of an application.

We can write asynchronous and synchronous code to get the dimension of an image.

Create a main.js file, add the following lines of javascript code Here is a simple example for getting image width and height main.js

var imageSize = require("image-size");
var imageDimensions = imageSize("./demo.jpg");
console.log(typeof imageDimensions); // Image
console.log(imageDimensions.width); // 6000
console.log(imageDimensions.height); // 4000

this is synchronous code and a straightforward way of getting image dimension

Let’s see how asynchronous way of image dimension example

var imageSize = require("image-size");

imageSize("./demo.png", function (err, dimension) {
  if (err) {
    console.log("error in reading image");
  console.log(typeof imageDimensions); // Image
  console.log(imageDimensions.width); // 6000
  console.log(imageDimensions.height); // 4000

err is returned if any error occurred in reading an image file dimension is returned for successful operation and returns width and height