Best ways to get package.json version in NodeJS with examples
This tutorial shows multiple ways to get a package.json version of a nodejs application.
There are multiple ways we can read the package.json file in Nodejs Application.
First Way, using require and import, Second-way using the fs module read json file. You can also check other posts on npm command deprecate option is deprecated
Nodejs Get the Version of the package.json application
- using require and import
if you are using the ES5 javascript version, use the required keyword
import json file using require keyword and create a variable
use the version variable directly using the imported variable
var packageJson = require("./package.json");
use import keyword for ES6 Ecmapscript6 version
import json file using import keyword
use the version variable directly using the imported variable
import { version } from "./package.json";
- use readFileSync
It is an example of reading local json files using the fs module, readFileSync function.
import fs modul
read json file using readFileSync function
Convert string into json using the JSON parse method
Here is an example code
fs = require("fs");
packagejson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8"));