Nim How to get Variable datatype with example?
This tutorial explains How to find the variable data type in Nim With examples
Nim typeof Operator Example
returns the datatype of a variable
Here is an examples
- int type:
var number=12
echo typeOf(number) #int
- Float types
var number1=12.123
echo typeOf(number1) #float64
- char type:
var character='a'
echo typeOf(character) #char
- String type:
var str="name"
echo typeOf(str) # string
- Object type
Employee = object
id: int
name: string
echo typeOf(Employee) # Employee
- bool
var isFlag = false;
echo typeOf(isFlag) # bool
- sequence types
let sequence = @['a', 'b', 'c']
echo typeOf(sequence) # seq[char]
let numbers = @[1,2,3]
echo typeOf(numbers) # seq[int]
let numbers1 = @["one", "two"]
echo typeOf(numbers1) # seq[string]
- Array types
var arr: array[3, int] = [7, 8, 9,]
echo typeof(arr) # array[0..2, int]
var arr1 = ["one", "two"]
echo typeof(arr1) # array[0..1, string]
- Tuple types
let employee: tuple[name: string, id: int] = ("mark", 1)
echo typeof(employee) # tuple[name: string, id: int]
let employee: (string, int) = ("mark", 2)
echo typeof(employee) # (string, int)
- Enum type
WeekEnd = enum
Saturday, Sunday
echo typeof(WeekEnd) # WeekEnd
How to check the Subtype of an object in Nim
Let’s create an object inheritance hierarchy of operator checks given object is a type or not, return true, else return false. Here is an example
type Employee = ref object of RootObj
name: string
id: int
type AdminEmployee = ref object of Employee
type SalesEmployee = ref object of Employee
var employees: seq[Employee] = @[]
employees.add(AdminEmployee(name: "one", id: 1))
employees.add(SalesEmployee(name: "two", id: 2))
echo(employees[0] of AdminEmployee) # true
echo(employees[1] of SalesEmployee) # true
echo(employees[0] of Employee) # true