Java8 - Numeric BinaryOperator interface examples | Functional Interfaces tutorials

In this blog post, We are going to learn the Numeric BinaryOperators class in java8 with examples.

In my previous post, discussed BinaryOperator tutorials with examples

What is Binary Operator?

Binary Operators are operators that take two parameters of primitive type and output the same primitive type values.

Numeric BinaryOperators are declared in java.util.function package. Each numeric primitive types like long, int, and double have binary operators.

Java8 has following numeric binary operators

  • DoubleBinaryOperator
  • IntBinaryOperator
  • LongBinaryOperator

DoubleBinaryOperator class in java

It is a functional interface that takes two double values as input and output double values.

It is a double version of BinaryOperator.

It has a single abstract method - applyAsDouble(T, V) where T and V are two input parameters and return the result in double.

use Lambda Expression and Method reference example

The below code showcase the usage of DoubleBinaryOperator with lambda/Method reference

package org.cloudhadoop.functions;
import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator;
public class MyDoubleBinaryOperatorExample {
    public static double mutiply(double d1, double d2) {
        return d1 * d2;
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Using Lambda Expression
        DoubleBinaryOperator lamdaExample = (v1, v2) -> MyDoubleBinaryOperatorExample.mutiply(v1, v2);
        System.out.println(lamdaExample.applyAsDouble(5, 7));
        // Using Method reference
        DoubleBinaryOperator methodRefExample = MyDoubleBinaryOperatorExample::mutiply;
        System.out.println(methodRefExample.applyAsDouble(35, 2));



IntBinaryOperator class in java

It is Integer version of BinaryOperator defined in java.util.function. It takes two integer values as input and output integer-only.

It has only one abstract applyAsInt() method.

Here is an IntBinaryOperator Example

import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args)  throws Exception{
        IntBinaryOperator sumOperator= (p, q) -> p + q;
        System.out.println(sumOperator.applyAsInt(35, 41));



LongBinaryOperator class in java

It is a long version of BinaryOperator defined in java.util.function. This is an operation that takes two long values as input and produces an output of long. It has only one abstract applyAsLong() method.

Following is a LongBinaryOperator Example

LongBinaryOperator sumOperator= (p, q) -> p + q;
        System.out.println(sumOperator.applyAsLong(15, 25));

The output of the above code execution is



In this post, Learned Numeric BinaryOperators with examples