Fix for Error No configuration provided for scss

Running lint on the node project that scss gives an error as given Error: No configuration provided for scss.

> [email protected] lint:styles
> stylelint "assets/scss/**/*.{css,sass,scss,sss,less}"

Error: No configuration provided for B:\myproject\assets\scss\styles.scss

The issue is not finding config for scss lint of a project.

Project needs .eslintrc.json configuration file

No configuration provided for scss file

Please follow below steps

  • Install stylelint-config-standard npm library as devDependency
npm install stylelint-config-standard --save-dev
  • Create a .stylelintrc.json configuration file in root of a project.

.stylelintrc.json is a style configuration rules for stylelint tool

  "extends": "stylelint-config-standard",
  "rules": {
    "no-empty-source": null,
    "string-quotes": "single",
    "at-rule-no-unknown": [
        "ignoreAtRules": [