Dart| Flutter How to reverse a string example

In this article, learn how to reverse a string in multiple ways. It also includes reversing a string with Unicode UTF-8 characters.

There are multiple ways we can do it. Dart provides an inbuilt dart:convert library to encode and decode various objects in UTF8 formats.

How to do string in reverse order in dart

This example takes the input string and converts the string in reverse order.

  • First, the Given string is split into characters using the split() method. and It returns a List of characters.
  • List is reversed using the reversed property
  • Finally, join the list of characters using the join() method

here is an example code to reverse a string in a dart.

import 'dart:convert';

main() {
  final str = "Welcome to my site";
  print(str); //Welcome to my site

  print(str.split('').reversed.join()); // etis ym ot emocleW


Welcome to my site
etis ym ot emocleW

The above example only works with ASCII text.

It will not work If you want to convert UTF-8 strings in reverse order.

How to convert Unicode strings in reverse order?

This example converts a Unicode string that contains emojis and code units into reverse order.

There are multiple ways we can do

The first way, Using code units.

  • First, get codeunits of a string using the codeUnits property, which returns UTF-16 code units of each character in a string.
  • Reverse the code unit string using the reversed property.
  • Convert and create a new string from a given codeunit iterable character using the fromCharCodes method Here is an example code
main() {
  var unicodeString = "unicode string \u{231B}"; //unicode string ⌛

  print(unicodeString); //unicode string ⌛

  print(String.fromCharCodes(unicodeString.codeUnits.reversed)); //⌛ gnirts edocinu

The second way, using runes

runes is a type that represents a Unicode character.

  • First, get codeunits of a string using the runes property, returns a list of code units of each character in a string using the toList() method
  • Reverse the code unit list using the reversed property.
  • Convert and create a new string from a given codeunit iterable character using the fromCharCodes method Here is an example code
main() {
  var unicodeString = "unicode string \u{231B}"; //unicode string ⌛

  print(unicodeString); //unicode string ⌛
  var runeChars = unicodeString.runes.toList();

  print(String.fromCharCodes(runeChars.reversed));⌛ gnirts edocinu



To summarize,

Learned how to convert a string or ASCII and Unicode characters into reverse order.