Angular elements Tutorials | web components examples

Angular is a framework for building SPA and hybrid applications.

with Angular, You can create Angular components, Which you can use only in the Angular application Each component you created in the angular application is a straightforward way to use it.

Suppose, How to use the Angular component in nonangular applications like any Java frontend or PHP or ruby on rails application.

Is this possible to use independent angular components outside of javascript frameworks?

It is possible by using Angular custom elements and web components.

Angular elements are introduced from the Angular 6 version onwards.

What are Angular custom web elements?

Angular elements are normal angular components also called web components, that are packaged and shipped as minified versions to use in other applications

Custom elements are like normal HTML or DOM elements that wrap the entire functionality in a single element. Angular elements are custom components that build as mini

These are also called Angular web components.

Angular custom web elements are a simple way of using the minified angular version in any web application.

Angular provides the @angular/elements package to make custom web components elements

For example, Angular custom elements can be used as follows

<custom-elements data="dataobject"></custom-elements>

This will be used in Nonangular applications by This can be used like an adding javascript link

why angular elements

There are many advantages of using angular elements

  • Angular elements are nothing but components, So can be packaged and used in non-angular applications.
  • These are reusable, develop a single component and reuse it in multiple applications independently.
  • You can add angular elements to server-side code
  • You can still use angular elements in angular applications

Create an Angular project with the angular 12 version

First, check whether angular CLI is installed or not, If not installed, install the latest angular CLI using the below command.

npm install -g @angular/cli

First Create an angular application using the ng new command.

ng new angular-elements-example

This creates an initial angular application structure and installs dependencies as seen below

How to build elements

Here is a command to run build angular elements

npm run build:elements

Sharing data between

data can be passed between each element using @input and @output tags like angular components.


As angular elements are used inside parent components or of different container

Browser support

It supports all browsers natively.

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Edge

angular element Errors

When you are working on angular elements, You will get errors.

Cannot find module ‘@angular/elements’ : error

This error throws accessing elements code without installing the @angular/elements package in your application.

The solution, install @angular/elements using the npm install command

npm install @angular/elements

This will install the latest @angular/elements in your application.

Difference between Angular elements with Stencil.js

StencilJs is also used to create web components.

Let’s see the difference between angular elements with StencilJs

Angular elementsStencilJs
It is built by the Angular team from GoogleIt is built by the team behind the Ionic framework
Angular elements are used to create web componentsStencilJS is also used to create web components with all features
The web components are used in javascript and non-javascript applicationsStencil web components can be used in any framework
Output of bundled with this is moreSize is less for bundled size compared with elements
It uses Angular framework with typescriptUses React framework with typescript programming language
Minification of angular frameworkVery fast and lightweight