How to trim/strip white spaces from a String in Golang Examples

You can learn three programs using the Go language’s built-in functions from the ‘Strings’ package in this blog post.

  • Delete all whitespaces from a string.
  • Delete spaces from the string’s start and end.
  • Remove extra spaces, tabs, or newlines from the given string.

How to trim whitespaces from a string in Golang

This program strips any of the white or empty spaces from a string and returns the resulting string.

The standard ‘Strings’ package includes a number of utility string functions. One of the functions is ‘Replace,’ which replaces empty spaces in a given string and returns a new string.

The Replace function in Golang has the following syntax.

func Replace(s, old, new string, n int) string

return a copy of the given string by replacing an empty string.

Here’s an example of using the Strings replace function to remove empty spaces from a string.

package main

import (

func main() {
    str: = "  This is a test example "
    fmt.Println("Original String: ", str)
    fmt.Println("Output String: ", strings.Replace(str, " ", "", -1))

When the above example code is compiled and executed, Output is as follows

Original String: This is a test example  
Output String: Thisistestexample

How to strip leading and trailing white spaces from a string in Golang?

This program removes the beginning and ending spaces from a string and returns the new string.

The Strings package🔗 provides a wide range of utility string methods. ‘TrimSpace’ is a function that replaces leading and trailing empty spaces in a string and returns the new string.

The TrimSpace function’s syntax is as follows.

func TrimSpace(s string) string

Return a slice of a given string that removes all start and end spaces.

Here’s an example of using the Strings TrimSpace function to remove leading and trailing empty spaces from a string.

package main

import (

func main() {
    str: = "  This is a test example  "
    fmt.Println("Original String: ", str)
    fmt.Println("Output String: ", strings.TrimSpace(str))

When the above example code is compiled and executed, the Output is as follows

Original String: This is a test example  
Output String: This is a test example

How to remove duplicate empty spaces from a string in Golang?

The program removes all spaces from a given string and results in a string with a single space.

This checks for Tab and newline characters in spaces.

In the following program,

  • Using the regex package’s MustCompile function to create a regular expression pattern.
  • The pattern is \\s+, \\s represents single character matches with a tab or newline, and `+ checks for one or more characters.
  • Finally call ReplaceAllString, which returns a new string with removed duplicate space characters.

The example below shows how to remove duplicate space substrings from a given string. ReplaceAllString

package main

import (

func main() {
    str: = "  This is a test             example  "
    singleSpacePattern: = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)

        fmt.Println("Original String: ", str)
    fmt.Println("Output String: ", singleSpacePattern.ReplaceAllString(str, " "))

Output is

Original String: This is a test example  
Output String: This is a test example


In this post, You learned to remove spaces for a given string in multiple ways.