How to find larger/Maximum number of array or slice in Golang

In this blog post, We are going to learn to Find larger/maximum number of arrays or slice, reading input from an user

array or slice holds the collection of elements. The array is fixed in size, Slice is dynamic.

Golang program is to find the maximum or largest element in an array or slice.

The logic of the below program, Initially, Array first element will be assumed as the largest element, compared with other elements, if elements are larger than other elements, It becomes a new larger element, The process continues execution until all elements are finished

To understand the below programs, You have the understanding of the following features in Go Language.

Example Program Largest/bigger number of an array of a slice of numbers

In this below program, Array is created with initial values.

For loop is used to iterate and check the largest elements of an array or slice of numbers. Finally printed larger number to console.

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var largerNumber, temp int
    array: = [] int {
        1, 19, 12, 13, 41

    for _, element: = range array {
        if element > temp {
            temp = element
            largerNumber = temp
    fmt.Println("Largest number of Array/slice is  ", largerNumber)

Output is

The largest number of Array/slice is 41

How to find Maximum/largest number of an array of slices Entered by the user from the console in Golang

In the below program, Instead of assigning fixed values to an array,

Array values are read from user input of a command-line console and stored in an array, iterate and find the largest element same like the above program and print the larger number to console

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var largerNumber, temp int
    size: = 0
    fmt.Print("Number of elements n=")
    fmt.Scanln( & size)
    fmt.Println("Enter of array elements")
    elements: = make([] int, size)
    for i: = 0;
    i < size;
        fmt.Scanln( & elements[i])
    fmt.Println("Entered Array of elements:", elements)
    for _, element: = range elements {
        if element > temp {
            temp = element
            largerNumber = temp
    fmt.Println("Largest number of Array/slice is  ", largerNumber)

Output is

Number of elements n=5  
Enter of array elements  
Entered Array of elements: [7 985 1 456 9652]  
Largest number of Array/slice is 9652


In this program, You learned the largest number of a given array and slice in the go language.