How to Check whether alphabet is Vowel or consonant in Golang

In this example, We will learn how to check whether the alphabet is vowel or consonant using [if else](/2018/11/learn-golang-tutorials-if-else.html) and [switch case](/https://www.2018/11/learn-golang-tutorials-switch-case.html) and Count of vowels in a String with an example.

A vowel is identified in a character if it contains any of the characters a, e, i, o, or u. A consonant is a character that is not a vowel character.

Please have a look at the below golang features before understanding these programs.

How to check if an alphabet is a vowel or consonant using the Golang if-else statement.

In this program, we will check if a given character is a vowel or consonant using the [if else](/2018/11/learn-golang-tutorials-if-else.html) block of code.

In this program, we will check given character is a vowel or consonant using the block of code.

package main

import (

func isVowel(character rune) {
    if character == 'a' || character == 'e' || character == 'i' || character == 'o' || character == 'u' {
        fmt.Printf(" %c is vowel\n", character)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf(" %c is consonant\n", character)

func main() {
    isVowel('a') // vowel
    isVowel('b') // consonant


a is vowel
b is consonant

In the above example,

In the above example:

  • The character is stored as a [rune type]/2018/11/learn-golang-tutorials-rune-types.html.
  • A method isVowel is implemented with a rune type argument.
  • It checks if the given character contains any of the vowels (a, e, I, o, u) using an if-else statement and returns vowel. Otherwise, it returns the character as a consonant.

How to check alphabet is Vowel or consonant using a Golang switch case

It is another way of checking whether a given character is a vowel using [switch case](/https://www.2018/11/learn-golang-tutorials-switch-case.html).

package main

import (

func isVowel(character rune) {
    switch character {
        case 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u':
            fmt.Printf(" %c is vowel\n", character)
            fmt.Printf(" %c is consonant\n", character)
func main() {
    isVowel('e') // vowel
    isVowel('g') // consonant


e is vowel
g is consonant

Instead of an if-else statement, a Switch case is used. The Switch case evaluates the expression, and the matched case is executed. If the character matches any of the characters (a, e, i, o, u), the corresponding case prints vowel to the console. In the default case, consonant is printed to the console.

How to find vowels count in a given String in the Go language

This program checks the given string and returns the count of vowels present in the string.

package main

import (

func main() {
    str: = "kiran"
    count: = 0
    for _,
    ch: = range str {
        switch ch {
            case 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U':
    fmt.Printf(" %s string contains vowels count: %d\n", str, count)



kiran string contains vowels count: 2


In this post, You will learn the following things in a go programming language

  • Checking whether a given character is a vowel or consonant using if-else and switch expressions
  • Determining the count of vowels in a given string.