How to calculate the Sum of digits of an integer number in Golang

In this post, You will learn different ways to the addition of digits of a number in the Go language

  • Using Iterative Function
  • Using Recursive Function

The Sum of digits of a number is to retrieve each digit of a number and add these numbers to the result.

For example, if the given number is 154, The sum of the digits of a number is 1+5+4=10.

To understand this example, You should have the following features in the Go language.

Calculate the Sum of digits of a number using the Modulus Operator Golang

In this below program, The input number is read from the user keyboard console, store these numbers in variable numbers.

Iterate each digit of a number using for a loop until the condition (number!=0) is false i.e number is zero.

Retrieve the remainder for the given number using the modulus operator(%) and add this to the sumResult.

It does continue execution until the division of the number with base 10 is zero.

Here is a program to calculate add of digits of an integer using for loop

package main

import (

func sumDigits(number int) int {
    remainder: = 0
    sumResult: = 0
    for number != 0 {
        remainder = number % 10
        sumResult += remainder
        number = number / 10
    return sumResult
func main() {
    var number int
    fmt.Print("Enter Number:")
    fmt.Scanln( & number)
    fmt.Printf("Addition digits of %d = %d\n", number, sumDigits(number))


When the above program is executed, Output:

Enter Number:2535
Addition digits of 2535 = 15

For example, If the given input is entered as 2535 and variable sumResult is zero initially.

  • Loop the number and inside the For loop
    2535%10=5 modulus operator % gives remainder
  • sumResult=sumResult+remainder(0+5), sumResult=5 now
    2535/10=235 ie number 235
  • sumResult=sumResult+5 ie 5+5=10, so sumResult=10 now
    235/10=23 ie number 23
  • sumResult=sumResult+3 ie 10+3=13, so sumResult=13 now
    23/10=3 ie number 2
  • sumResult=sumResult+2 ie 13+2=15, so sumResult=15 now
    0/10=0 ie number 0
    the number is zero, conditional expression in for loop is evaluated to false and Loop terminates its execution.

How to calculate the Sum of digits using recursive function golang

This program takes user input from a keyboard terminal and stores it in a variable number.

Declared Recursive function. Recursion is a function called inside a function.

Initially, the Recursive function is called from the main function.

Here are the steps for recursion steps to calculate digits

For example, if the given number is 67845

Following are step-by-step execution

recursiveSumDigits(67845) - sumResult=0

\--recursiveSumDigits(6784) - sumResult=0+5

  --recursiveSumDigits(678) - sumResult=5+4

    --recursiveSumDigits(67) - sumResult=9+8

  --recursiveSumDigits(6) - sumResult=17+7

  --recursiveSumDigits(0) - sumResult=24 +6=30 is returned

Example program:

package main

import (

func recursiveSumDigits(number int) int {
    sumResult: = 0
    if number == 0 {
        return 0
    sumResult = number % 10 + recursiveSumDigits(number / 10)
    return sumResult

func main() {
    var number int
    fmt.Print("Enter Number:")
    fmt.Scanln( & number)
    fmt.Printf("Addition digits of %d = %d\n", number, recursiveSumDigits(number))



Enter Number:67845
Addition digits of 67845 = 30