Golang Map tutorials with examples

In this tutorial, We are going to learn map built-in type with examples in the Go Language.

Go Language Map tutorials

A map is a popular collection data structure, contains key and value pairs. It is used to represent hashtable and dictionaries in other programming languages.

Java has HashTable, Python has Dictionary types. It provides fast loops, searches, updates, deletions based on the keys.

Important points of Maps in Go Programming language.

  • It is BuiltIn type in Golang
  • It is an unordered data structure, which contains key and value pairs
  • A map does not allow duplicate keys but can have duplicate values
  • The keys in the map are unique, values need not be required
  • This is also called associative arrays, hashmaps, or dictionaries in other programming languages
  • Key type is of only comparable types - functions, maps, slices are not allowed
  • a value type is of any type - Primitive types, Custom Types or interface types

Map Syntax in Golang

the syntax includes:

var variablename map[keytype]valuetype

Start a var keyword used to declare a variable of map type. variablename is the name of the variable for a map. It should be a valid identifier.

A map is the keyword used, followed by the key type declared in square brackets and the value type.

Golang map examples

We will see various ways of creating and initializing a map

How to declare a Map initialized with zero value map with nil type

In this, The map is just declared not initialized and this is called zero value map.

The zero value map value is nil. It has no key and values.

Following is a Map variable declaration with string keys and int values.

Variable k is of map type with assigning string values to an integer.

// keys are of string type, values are of int type
var k map[string]int; // map is nil value

Map types are reference types like slices. Value of k is nil and not pointed, but, initialized map Following is an example

package main
import (
func main() {
 var mymap map[string]int
 if mymap == nil {
  fmt.Println("map is nil")


Output is

map is nil

When you add values to the nil map, It gives runtime error - panic: assignment to entry in nil map.

Following is an example for adding elements to map

package main

import (

func main() {
 var mymap map[string]int
 if mymap == nil {
  fmt.Println("map is nil")
 mymap["kiran"] = 1 // this gives runtime error

output is

map is nil
panic: assignment to entry in nil map

goroutine 1 [running]:
        A:/Golang/work/Test.go:13 +0xd3
exit status 2

Create Map using inbuilt make function

This makes the function accepts the type of the map and capacity. This creates a map and is initialized with empty elements. Here is the syntax of the make function

make(map[keytype]valuetype, optional capacity)

This function accepts the type of the map and optional initial capacity, We can override default capacity as an example below.

var mymap=make(map[string]int)
1:= make(map[string]int, 20)

The above code creates a named map - mymap which accepts keys of strings and values of int type.

This is called Empty Map. nil map works the same as an empty map when reading elements.

When attempting to add elements to Nil Map throws panic runtime. Empty Map works as expected when adding elements.

The above line code can be rewritten using shorthand variable declaration using shorthand assignment operator (:=).

Following is new syntax


following is an example for make function

package main

import (

func main() {
 var mymap = make(map[string]int)
 if mymap == nil {
  fmt.Println("map is nil")
 } else {
  fmt.Println("map is not nil")

 mymap["kiran"] = 1 // map is initilzed, can add elements to it



map is not nil

Create and initialize using map literals

A map can also create using map literals with initial keys and values.

For example, let us create an empty map. This creates an empty map is equivalent to make(map[string]int) function

var mymap = map[string]int{}

It creates an initialized empty map and is ready to accept the values to be added.

Following is an example for initial data filled.

It creates bypassing keys and values separated with colon inside curly braces .

var mymap = map[string]int{
 "Kiran": 1,
 "John": 2,
 "Frank": 3, // comma is required

Last trailing comma of map literals is required, if comma omitted, It throws compilation error - syntax error: unexpected newline, expecting comma or }`.

Follow is a complete example.

package main

import (

func main() {
 var mymap1 = map[string]int{} // Create and initialize Empty Map
 // Create and initialize iniitial data using map literal
 var mymap = map[string]int{
  "Kiran": 1,
  "John":  2,
  "Frank": 3,


Output is

map[Kiran:1 John:2 Frank:3]

Adding elements (key-value pair) to a Map

Once the map creates, add elements to the map using the following syntax.

This syntax is similar to arrays and slices in Golang.


The above line of code sets the key to the value of a map. If you try to add a key that already exists, it updates its value to a new value

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map
 var employees = make(map[int]string)

 // Adding elements to a map
 employees[1] = "kiran"
 employees[2] = "Frank"
 employees[3] = "John"

    This overrides its value when a key already exists in a map
 employees[1] = "Ram"


Output is

map[1:kiran 2:Frank 3:John]
map[1:Ram 2:Frank 3:John]

The above examples create and initialize using the make() function and add some elements. If a key already exists, It overrides its value. Get items or values with a given key in a map. You can retrieve values based on the key using the following syntax.

value := mapvariable[ key ]

It retrieves value if the map contains key, if not it returns a non-zero value of map value types(0 for int,” for strings,0.0 for float types). Following is the example accessing items of a map

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map
 var employees = make(map[int]string)

 // Adding elements to a map
 employees[1] = "kiran"
 employees[2] = "Frank"
 employees[3] = "John"

 var name = employees[1]
 fmt.Println("Key exist case ", name)
 name1 := employees[11]
 fmt.Println("Key not exist case: ", name1)

Output is

map[1:kiran 2:Frank 3:John]
Key exist case  kiran
Key not exist case:

In the above program, key=1 already exists in a map, corresponding value=kiran retruned. key=2 does not exist in a map, we get zero value of map value type, here map value type is a string, the empty string “is returned.

how do we find whether a key exists or not in a map?

we can differentiate between empty values and non-existing keys using two value assignment map retrieval syntax.

How to Check if the map contains a key

Go lang provides two value assignment syntax for retrieving values. With map[key] syntax, It provides an extra boolean flag - true, it exists in a map, false - key does not exist in a map

value, ok := map[key]

ok is a boolean value - true if a key exists, false - not exists Complete example for checking key exists in a map

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map
 var employees = make(map[int]string)

 // Adding elements to a map
 employees[1] = "kiran"
 employees[2] = "Frank"
 employees[3] = "John"

 name, flag := employees[1]
 fmt.Printf("key:1 value: %s flag: %v\n", name, flag)
 name1, flag := employees[11]
 fmt.Printf("key:11 value: %s flag: %v\n", name1, flag)

The output of the above code is

map[1:kiran 2:Frank 3:John]
key:1 value: kiran flag: true
key:11 value:  flag: false

The above example, retrieving key=1 that exists in a map and returned value=kiran and ok=true retrieving key=11 that key does not exist in a map, returned value type zero value ie value="" and ok=false. You can use a blank identifier(_) in place of value to omit the value field

How to fin Size of a map - BuiltIn len() function

You can count the number of items or keys in a map using the built-in len() function Syntax is as follows.


Len() function returns the number of items in a map nil or empty map always return zero. here is an example for the length of a map

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map
 var employees = make(map[int]string) // nil map
 fmt.Println("Size: ", len(employees))

 // Adding elements to a map
 employees[1] = "kiran"
 employees[2] = "Frank"
 employees[3] = "John"

 fmt.Println("Size: ", len(employees))


Output is

Size:  0
map[1:kiran 2:Frank 3:John]
Size:  3

How to remove items from a map - built-in delete function

Built-in delete() function uses to delete an item from a map. Following is the syntax for this function


This function deletes the item with the given key. It does not return any value if the key does not exist in a map.

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 employees := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",

 fmt.Println("Size: ", len(employees))
 delete(employees, 1)
 fmt.Println("Size: ", len(employees))


The above code deletes key=1 from the map and the output is as follows.

map[1:ram 2:arun 3:Gef]
Size:  3
map[2:arun 3:Gef]
Size:  2

Iterate over all items of the map - range form of for loops

Map items are iterated using for loop with range keyword. It returns keys and values for each iteration item. If an entry is added or removed which is not iterated during iteration, The corresponding item will not be considered

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 employees := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 for key, value := range employees {
  fmt.Println(key, value)



Since the map is an unordered data structure, Order is not guaranteed. when you run the above program multiple output orders might change.

1 ram
2 arun
3 Gef

The below talks about copying maps using references and values

map copy is reference types

Maps are reference types like slices, meaning is map is just a reference point to allocated data structure data. When a map is assigned to the new map, both maps points to the same data structure. if any changes in one map will reflect in other maps. This is helpful when map is passed to the function, any changes in the function, function caller reflect the changes in a map

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 employees := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 employees[4] = "jack"
 fmt.Println("original map: ", employees)
 newEmployees := employees
 newEmployees[4] = "herald"
 fmt.Println("new  map: ", employees)


In the above program, the original map is assigned to the new map, In the next line, changed 4=jack to 4=herald in the new map. This is reflected in the original map And the output is copied.

original map:  map[1:ram 2:arun 3:Gef 4:jack]
new  map:  map[2:arun 3:Gef 4:herald 1:ram]

Values of a map copy

In golang, when the map is assigned or passed to function, it is a copy of reference not underline data stored.

How do we copy map data?

The below program copy the map data to another map.

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 source := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 destination := make(map[int]string)
 fmt.Println("source: ", source)
 for key, value := range source {
  destination[key] = value
 fmt.Println("destination: ", destination)

An output of the above program is

source:  map[2:arun 3:Gef 1:ram]
destination:  map[1:ram 2:arun 3:Gef]

Check Compare equivalence of map

\== is used to check map value for nil values. It cannot be useful for the equality of maps. To compare two maps are equal or not, We will write a code or use reflect.DeepEqual() function reflect.DeepEqual() function checks sizes, and each item are equal.

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 source := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 destination := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 fmt.Println("source: ", source)
 fmt.Println("destination: ", destination)
 eq := reflect.DeepEqual(source, destination)
 if eq {
  fmt.Println("Maps are equal.")
 } else {
  fmt.Println("Maps are not unequal.")


Output is

source:  map[2:arun 3:Gef 1:ram]
destination:  map[1:ram1 2:arun 3:Gef]
Maps are not unequal.

How to Convert map key/values into slice examples?

The below example code creates a slice for keys and values of the map. The map is iterated using for loop with range form. For each iteration, a key or value is added to the corresponding slices.

package main

import (

func main() {
 // Create a map using map literal
 mymap := map[int]string{
  1: "ram",
  2: "arun",
  3: "Gef",
 // convert map keys into slice
 keySlice := make([]int, 0, len(mymap))
 for k := range mymap {
  keySlice = append(keySlice, k)
 // convert map values into slice
 valueSlice := make([]string, 0, len(mymap))
 for _, value := range mymap {
  valueSlice = append(valueSlice, value)

An output of the above program is

[2 3 1]
[ram arun Gef]