Frequently Used Array Examples Javascript|Typescript
- Admin
- Dec 31, 2023
- Javascript Typescript
In this blog post, We are going to learn Frequently used Array Examples in typescript and javascript
The array is a collection of elements/objects stored under one name. The size of the array is fixed. Developers must learn Array examples in typescripts.
You can check my post on Array Sort-Object Examples and Javascript Add,Delete from Array
Following is a list of frequently used array examples
How to remove an element or object from the Array
This example shows how to
- Delete / remove element from an array using Array.prototype.splice function
- First find an index of an element in an array using findIndex() function
- remove element from array using splice() function
var arrayStrings = new Array("one", "two", "there", "four");
var deleteElement = "one";
let index = this.arrayStrings.findIndex((d) => d === deleteElement);
this.arrayStrings.splice(index, 1);
0: "two"
1: "there"
2: "four"
How to Create a Statically typed array of functions or callbacks in typescript
This example shows
- How to Create an array of interfaces
- How to create a Type array of callbacks or functions
First Create a named function of an interface that accepts strings and returns a void Create an array of interfaces
interface MyInterface {
(name: string): void;
var mycallback: MyInterface[] = [];
Or We can also use a typed array literal syntax for creating an array of functions
var myNewFunction: { (name: string): void }[];
How to retrieve the last element or object from an array in Javascript?
This example shows
- the last element of an array using an array.length-1 function
- How to find the length of an array using Array.length-1 element
- Get the Last element of an array | array.pop() method
var arrayStrings = new Array("one", "two", "there", "four");
console.log(arrayStrings[arrayStrings.length - 1]);
How to create a Static array in typescript class
This example shows
- Create a Static private array of a class
- the getSize method returns the static array size using the length function
class MyClass {
private static stringArray: string[] = ["one", "two", "three","four"];
getSize(): number {
return MyClass.stringArray.length;
var myobject = new MyClass();