Typescript typeof and instanceOf operator examples
- Admin
- Feb 24, 2024
- Typescript
You can check another post on Fix for Object is possibly null
What is the typeof operator in TypeScript?
The typeof
operator is utilized to obtain a string specifying the type of a variable. This proves to be highly beneficial for developers in determining the type of an object at runtime.
typeof operator syntax
typeof operand ;
: operand
: This is provided as either a primitive data type or a custom object. Possible operand values include variables, object variables, and strings.
var msg = "Cloudhadoop";
console.log(typeof msg); // returns string as string format
var variableNumber =16;
console.log(typeof variableNumber); // returns number as string format
var variableBoolean =true;
console.log(typeof variableBoolean); // returns boolean as string format
var variableNull =null;
console.log(typeof variableNull); // returns the object as string format
var variableArray:string\[\]= \["1","2","3","4"\]
console.log(typeof variableArray); // returns object as string format
let variableTyple: \[string, number\]= \["type operator", 20\];
console.log(typeof variableTyple); // returns object as string format
let variableAny: any = 4;
console.log(typeof variableAny); // returns number as string format
let variableUndefined: undefined = undefined;
console.log(typeof variableUndefined); // returns undefined as string format
enum Monday { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday }
let enumVariable: Monday = Monday.Sunday;
console.log(typeof enumVariable); // returns number as string format
var myFunction = new Function('123 + 6');
console.log(typeof myFunction) // outputs 'Function'
var currentDate = new Date();
console.log(typeof currentDate) // outputs 'object'
TypeScript instanceof Operator
The instanceof
operator checks if an object is of another object type and returns true. This check is performed at runtime within conditional expressions to verify the object type.
name instanceof type;
Where name
is the object’s name and type
is the object type.
instanceOf Examples
In the below code, the date object name checks against Class and returns.
any variable returns false against the date object
var todaysDate = new Date();
var variableNumber: any = 12;
console.log(todaysDate instanceof Date); // returns true
console.log(variableNumber instanceof Date); // returns false
instanceof class example
It returns false if the undefined type-checked with class,
class ClassExample {}
let classes: Array = \[\];
console.log(classes\[0\]); // returns undefined
console.log(classes\[0\] instanceof ClassExample);
//returns false undefined is not of ClassExample
classes.push(new ClassExample());
console.log(classes\[0\]); // outpus empty class
console.log(classes\[0\] instanceof ClassExample); // true
instanceof interface example:
This is an example of usage of the interface with the instanceof
interface InterfaceExample {}
var interfaceVariable: InterfaceExample = {};
console.log(interfaceVariable instanceof InterfaceExample); // compilation error
class ClassExample {}
var variableClass: ClassExample = {};
console.log(variableClass instanceof ClassExample); // reutnrs false and no compilation error
as you see interface gives ’ InterfaceExample’ only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here error
In conclusion, we have walked through a step-by-step example for TypeScript’s typeof and instanceof operators, understanding their syntax and usage.