momentjs javascript date library tutorials
- Admin
- Dec 31, 2023
- Javascript
What is MomentJS in javascritpt?
is an open-source JavaScript library for manipulating and parsing date objects. Every developer needs to know how to manipulate dates and times during their project development.
JavaScript has a date object, Developer must write a lot of code to manipulate the date and time object and doesn’t have the flexibility to parse and validate the object.
There are a lot of date and time libraries in JavaScript. MomentJS
is one of the popular libraries in javascript applications.
Moments library can be used in normal web-based JavaScript/jQuery applications as well as NodeJS/typescript applications.
MomentJS is an agonistic library, and no dependency on any framework can be used in Front end and back-end Javascript applications.
We can configure momentjs in different ways as follows.
Usage of momentjs in script tag of HTML
The most recent library can be downloaded from the momentjs official website or you can use the momentjs CDN url URL in script tags.
<script src="pathto/moment.js"></script>
Using npm package in nodejs environment
this has an npm package for nodejs applications.
We can use the node package manager or yarn command to install this dependency
npm install moment --save
yarn add moment
Configure momentjs in typescript applications
first, you must install the moment js library using the npm command
In the typescript code, use the below code as like this
import * as a moment from moment ;
let now = moment();
Moving to the next section, We will see various momentjs examples
How to get the Current Date and time in javascript using momentJS
Moment object has an empty constructor which gives the current date and time
<title>Moment.js Example Current Date and time</title>
<H1> javascript example for Current Date and Time </H1>
<div id="showCurrentDateMomentJs"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="lib/moment.js"></script>
var CurrentDateAndTime =
document.getElementById('showCurrentDateMomentJs'); var
CurrentDateAndTimeMoment = moment();
And the output is Thu Jul 05, 2018, 12:08:47 GMT+0530
MomentJs Format examples
using the Format method, we can format the date to various formats and also can validate the date.
MomentJS format date examples
The following code returns the date in various formats.
moment().format() - 018-07-11T12:04:35+05:30
moment().format('dd')- Wed
moment().format("MMM Do YYYY") - Jul 11th 2018
format date-time string example
during string format, any characters like hyphen (-) or slash (/) will not be considered
moment("01-12-2018").format("MM/DD/YYY") - 01 - 12 - 2018;
How to check to validate Date in javascript
moments format
method used to check passed value is in date format or not using the isValid method
var m = moment("2018-20-08", "YYYY-DD-MM");
m.isValid(); //returns true
var m1 = moment("20-08-2018");
m1.isValid(); // returns false
How to convert UTC to local time using momentJS in javascript?
To enable timezone capabilities, need to add momentJS timezone library
moment.utc().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
UTC time is 2018-07-10 16:06:39
//below code convert UTC to local timezone
var currentLocalTime = moment.utc('2018-07-10 16:06:39').toDate();
localTimeFromUTC = moment(currentLocalTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
Your Local Time related to UTC as mentioned above 2018-07-10 21:36:39`.